Stella -
the boss of MI6 or whatever strange, secret, all powerful section of the Secret Intelligence Services this pretends to be…
Andrew McDonald
Farthing -
his loyal secretary… and Mrs Stella, his frustrated wife…
Kirsty Malpass
The Prime Minister -
the most important (and most superficial) man in Great Britain…
Jonathan Benda
Andy Longline -
the young, forceful quartermaster dealing with gadgets, bullets, bombs and breasts…
Adam Martin
Heidi - Miss Pelling -
the beautiful, bold spy with great legs…
Charlotte Fortune
Sir John -
Equal in status and position to Stella and in charge of stuff...
Rupert Wickham
Tim -
Sir John's bored boyfriend...
Jack Kennerley
Rosie -
Harry Rose, Spymaster who once recruited spies in their University days…
Deniz Corday
Sir Martin Tresegear (pronounced Treasure) -
The Queen's Personal Private Secretary…
Samson Bisase